Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas made up

I can't wait until Christmas so I'm going to make up a story.

On Christmas Eve, I opened one present--and guess what that present was? Well, I didn't really like it, so I kinda returned it. But I'll tell you what it was.

It was POWER RANGER PAJAMAS! So I turned it in for something really cooler--a hat, a really coot hat from Active. I wear it every day.

I'll tell you another thing that I got that I didn't trade in because I really liked it. I got a roll-y backpack. So I took it to school everyday. I put all my stuff in it and I roll my toe over.

OK, now this part is real--it really happened.

Before we went on vacation, this kid said, "Stupe." We were laughing and laughing because it was funny. We never heard the word "Stupe" before and we were asking "What is a stupe?"

The kid didn't say anything--he just kept saying "Stupe" a LOT. I think it means "stupid"--which is a "stupe" way to say "stupid."

Tomorrow I am going to Arizona! I am going to see Crazy Kelley, Cool Rob and the Crazy Baby Like Kelley (Romi). Me and my mom are going on a plane.

I'm going to play video games there with Rob and the baby. The baby probably doesn't play video games though.

That's all the fun I had so far.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Is it fun delivering toys? How is Rudolph? Why does Rudolph have a red nose?

All I want for Christmas is two things. Those two things are a short skateboard and an iPod. Can I please have those two things?

How are the reindeer? And the elves? Another thing I want for Christmas is a cool hat.

I'm going to make you something for Christmas since you give a little bit of your time every Christmas.

Why does Rudolph have a red nose? I also want a Nerf gun.

Better watch out, better not cry, I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town.

I also want Star Wars Legos and an R2D2.

How long did you live?

Elvis and Frankie are being so good. Can you bring them treats, a bed and a big fluffy pillow?

Love, Mark

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Get outta here

Hi I'm Mark. I'm starting a blog for the heck of it.

Today we were in the car. My mom said look at the animal hospital. The more she said animal hospital, the more I said am-i-nal hospital. I didn't mean to say "aminal" I meant to say "animal" but I kept on getting my tongue twisted. We were cracking up, and we couldn't stop laughing.

That was fun.

Thanks for reading my blog!