Monday, January 12, 2009

My mom is crazy

My mom is wrestling me right now because she is so crazy! Well, this crazy mom weekend, I rode my skateboard. I rode it at the beach. I rode on the sidewalk of course.

Well, I almost got run over by a biker, but he slammed on his brakes and it went RRRRRRR! Then I got in trouble because I wasn't paying attention.

And then I had to ride in the little walking lane which was so hard because it was so tiny. Then we turned back around and we didn't go home but I rode on the sidewalk that wasn't part of the bike path for a minute or two.

I just got my skateboard at Christmas. I think I did great riding since Christmas. It was actually pretty super duper easy to learn. The worst part of it is that I can't do tricks at this stage. I'll probably be at a higher stage by next 2010. It will be hapenin' in 2010.

I wear my helmet and my wristguards when I ride my skateboard so I stay safe. I wish my skateboard wheels would be a little bit better (the wheels don't spin that good).

I had a good time bringing my skateboard to the beach. It went in the sand a couple times.

It was a great marvelous stupendous day!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tucson rocks! (No offense other places)

Over winter break, I went with my mom (and myself, of course) to Tucson, Arizona, to go play with Kelley, Rob and Romi.

While I was there, I played video games--Legos Star Wars. I was the bomb at it!

I celebrated Hanukkah while I was there. I kept on asking, "Can I open a present, can I open a present, can I open a present?" But of course, Kelley said no. I wanted to open a present soooo bad! I kept on saying "Pleeeeeeeeease?" But Kelley made me wait until the candles on the menorah were lit and Kelley and Rob had prayed and sang.

Rob took me and my mom to the camera place. These policemen were not paying attention, so Rob went through the cones on accident. He took us in the camera shop and I wanted a video game.

We went to a Hanukkah party at shul. We sang and ate and played dreidel, which I decorated.

We also went to the zoo and saw a whole bunch of lights that probably took a couple days to hang up. There were so many lights, me and my mom could not have hung all those up!

At the end, when we went to the zoo, we went to go see Santa Claus. We took a picture with him and it was not really bad. But instead, I took a really good picture. That's important because I always take really, really bad pictures. They're bad because I'm usually being goofy and going "Nah nah nah snort!"

And Kelley was super duper weird. I had hot chocolate and cookies. They were so yummy.

Then we went to the snowflakes. Instead of snowflakes, it snowed soapflakes. My mom covered my hot chocolate so the soap wouldn't get into it. I do not know how they made the snowflakes or the cookies or the hot chocolate, but they were pretty good.

I played with all of Romi's toys and Romi played with them a lot, too. I liked that Romi was silly. Romi's favorite toy was a little water thing that has a whale, a crab, a boat, and something else. Romi's favorite thing to do with with me was to pull my hair. He also threw up A LOT!!

We also went to the Children's Museum. Me, my mom, Kelley and Rob liked it the best. Romi didn't really care. What I liked best at the Children's Museum was everything. There were jumping frogs! And I knocked down a tower of big foamy blocks.

Well, Kelley said the next day, we were going home. The last day we were there was Kelley's Barfday. (It was called that because Romi kept throwing up.) She turned FORTY!

Then we went on the plane and went home.