Monday, January 12, 2009

My mom is crazy

My mom is wrestling me right now because she is so crazy! Well, this crazy mom weekend, I rode my skateboard. I rode it at the beach. I rode on the sidewalk of course.

Well, I almost got run over by a biker, but he slammed on his brakes and it went RRRRRRR! Then I got in trouble because I wasn't paying attention.

And then I had to ride in the little walking lane which was so hard because it was so tiny. Then we turned back around and we didn't go home but I rode on the sidewalk that wasn't part of the bike path for a minute or two.

I just got my skateboard at Christmas. I think I did great riding since Christmas. It was actually pretty super duper easy to learn. The worst part of it is that I can't do tricks at this stage. I'll probably be at a higher stage by next 2010. It will be hapenin' in 2010.

I wear my helmet and my wristguards when I ride my skateboard so I stay safe. I wish my skateboard wheels would be a little bit better (the wheels don't spin that good).

I had a good time bringing my skateboard to the beach. It went in the sand a couple times.

It was a great marvelous stupendous day!

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